Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You wish Kim Todd was your BFF

Once upon a time...I moved to San Luis Obispo to go to Cal Poly. My roommate dropped out before the first round of midterms leaving me lonely and alone in my dorm room for nearly a whole quarter. One day I found a post it note on my dorm room door and it said something like "Hey I need a roommate we should meet up maybe we will like each other." The post-it was from Kim! I checked Kim out on facebook and she looked like a weirdo she had a picture of herself at an anime convention wearing some type of balloon thong looking thing over her pants. But I didnt care, I just wanted someone to keep me company! A few days later I met Kim and John for the first time at the Avenue. John was eating Chick Fillet and I wondered how Kim was already dating someone who must be a Senior at Cal Poly cause John looked old to me. I dont really know how I thought he looked so old cause he doesnt look that old to me now! I guess Kim decided she liked me because soon after our meeting she moved in. At this point in time I was on the swim team and I was super buff so I carried more of her boxes than John did. I dont know why I didnt think Kim and John were more weird because one of my earliest memories of them was them watching tarzan rubber band (not funny) and looking up XXX rated things on ebay. Gross! Kim was testing me. What a beezy. Luckily I'm cool and I didnt really mind. I remember lots of nights freshman year of John making rice and leaving our rice cooker a mess, and the three of us sharing ice cream, and me not letting Kim sleep because I wouldnt be able to stop talking before bed, and hating the dorms together, and one time we tried to play raquet ball. If Kim hadnt moved in I WOULD HAVE DIED, litteraly. Kim Todd you changed my life. I didnt like John so much back then, but now Im glad I met him. Haha. Then sophomore year Kim was an RA...I feel guilty that she had to have such a lame job cause I flaked out on her for living together. Her being an RA SUCKED cause she was always busy and I feel like we didnt get to hang out as much as I wanted. But sophomore year whenever I was bored on campus I would call Kim and John and then we would go get sandwhiches. (This quarter I get super bored on campus because during my breaks I have to eat alone. I sound like such a loner.) Now its our THIRD YEAR IN COLLEGE. Can someone please tell me how that happened so quickly? Kim and John are in Australia which is sweet for them but it means no more dance parties with strobe lights at Johns place and no more hangin with Kim when I dont want to study. Me and Kim never really do arts and crafts, but I have a million arts and crafts I want to do with her and I cant!! Such a disappointment. Someday I think me and Kim will both have kids and they will go to Kims house to be crazy and when they come to my house I will feed them vegetables and make them do knitting or something. We probably wont live in the same city so it will be exciting to road trip/fly away to visit each other. Kim is my BEST FRIEND in the world and I cant wait to do super cute stuff together when she gets back like having our spaceman party and having a tea party and baking cakes and making arts and crafts and talking about random stuff and going shopping downtown and going to the beach and going to the gym!


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